Attention little feet! This post will disclose some important information about where to find shoes our size and how to make larger shoes fit! I don't think people understand how difficult it is for us to find shoes, especially heels. We want to walk into a store and purchase any style like normal people do! We want to shop online and select our size like it's NBD like normal people do! But since we can't, here are some tips and suggestions that have helped me get by.
Luckily for close-toed shoes, a size 5.5 or maybe even a size 6 will be fine. Wear thick socks or insert one or three insoles to fill in any extra space. Sounds pretty ridiculous, but I've found that these little tricks work. I find no discomfort and since most close toed shoes are worn during the fall or winter it's a double score; My feet stay warm and I get to wear the shoes of my choice!
If you're closer to a size 4.5-5, this won't work in all styles. Just depends on how big or small the shoe runs.
The insole trick applies to these style shoes
too. As long as your heel is covered you won't be able to tell that the shoe is a half or whole size larger.
Now unfortunately for styles like these, you need to purchase the right size. Since the toes and heels are exposed there are zero tricks to cover a size gap. Not only is wearing a shoe that is not your size tacky, but extremely uncomfortable. The struggle is real, hopefully this helped a bit! Here are some places where I find trendy size 5 shoes:
♡ SOLE SOCIETY (online site)
When all of the above fails, use GOOGLE. Search "size 5 ______" and then whatever style you’re looking for and click over to the “shopping” tab; You should find a variety of websites with that style!